Support the Arts in your Community

Your support allows us to share the arts with North Idaho!

When you partner with us, you help support the arts and local history in your community. Since 2005, the Jacklin Center has worked to uplift and enrich our community through the arts and we’re delighted to watch North Idaho benefit from these efforts. People from all walks of life are welcome to come through our doors and feel encouraged by the JACC. The Jacklin Arts & Cultural Center is a 501(c)(3) organization, ADA compliant, and is listed on the National Historical Registry. 

What can you do to help? When you help the Jacklin Center you help us uplift the community throught the arts. Please visit the link above to our donation site to aid us in sharing the arts with our community. There are several options for ways to support us, including monthly giving, one time donations, business sponsors, and more. If supporting us financially is not an option for you, check the link below for our Amazon wishlist to send us needed supplies. We’re often in need of art and kitchen supplies for our our youth classes and scholarship recipients. It means a great deal to us to receive whatever you’re able to offer.

Donate Art Supplies!

Sending us art supplies will always go straight the kids who attend our classes! Check our Amazon wishlist link below to send us what we're in need of.

Volunteer at the JACC!

Volunteers make the Jacklin Center run. If you are interested in donating your time, we would love to welcome you into our family!

Our Founder & Golden Benefactor

Susan Jacklin

Our Silver Circle Patrons ($5,000 & up)

Jim & Nita Magnuson

Linda Twiehaus

Our Donors

Randy & Sharon Fosseen

Tag & Tiffany Jacklin

Jenni Fallein

Suzanne Knutsen

Nancy Siegel

Don Jacklin


Shan Sweitzer  (In memory of Dorothy Jacklin)

Annonymous Fund – Innovia Foundation

Anne Rule

Brad & Sandi Hill

Mel Bailey & Marsha Bell



Gayle & Michael Stegman

Mary Jo Kringas

Jim & Avis Stafford

Bill & Evelyn Meanie

Cathy Thompson

Annette Durkin

Our Members - "Friends of the JACC"

Linda Twiehaus
Jane Morgan
Anne Rule
KC Cole
Sandi & Brad Hill

Teresa Kosel 
Narum Marshawn



Michael Faison
John Bennet
Bonnie Reichfelt
Jana Tritto
Sandy & Pete Johnson
Susan Hill
Holly Pena
Annette Durkin
Julia Komsky
Bridgette Hill
Linda Pry
Cheryl McHale
Christi & Dave Fleischman


Our Wonderful Sponsors